Saturday, 26 October 2013

National Nude Food Day

At our school we encourage students to participate in Nude Food Day every Tuesday. During term three each grade was challenged to record their nude food data. This was done via an online survey. Each time they recorded their information they received some points. Only one point was calculated based on who had nude food as we understand that not everyone has influence over what goes into their lunch box. This makes it fairer and encourages those that don't usually participate. At the end of the term during assembly Mr Horton announced the winners. It was a close competition with all grades not only improving their participation rates but also their awareness of rubbish generated by packaging. 
The preps were the overall winners and took home the prize of a pedal operated compost bin for all the compost that the chooks don't like to eat such as orange and mandarin peel, banana skins and kiwi fruit skin. They also received a nice young nude food tree which they get to plant in the garden. In time this tree will produce a bountiful crop of while mulberries - yum.

Wednesday the 16th of October was National Nude food day. The Green Team voted that the school should have a walk in - walk out rubbish day. That meant all of our bins were locked up for the whole day and any rubbish bought to school had to be taken home again. The teachers had to talk about how students would think about their rubbish as simply putting it in their pockets wouldn't be a good idea. We have a school rule do not returning into the buildings during play times so they couldn't put it back in their bags after they have finished eating. Some grades opted for eating inside, others chose to take their wrappers off before going outside. The day created a lot of discussion and hopefully will contribute to discussions at home as well.