Thursday 7 November 2013

We Had Visitors


The Gippsland ResourceSmart AuSSI Vic Consortium visited Poowong Consolidated school on Wednesday the 6th of November to be educated about what a ResourceSmart school looks like. The Consortium was very impressed by the student Green Team presentations, of the sustainability achievements of the school.

The students presented many initiatives and facts about how they have made a difference to their school environment. Some include introducing regular nude food days, reducing the amount of paper used through emailing the weekly newsletter, recycling paper, placing icecream containers under the taps, weekly collection of data about the number of students participating in bring nude food. Many more examples were presented that demonstrated a culturally aware school making a big difference in how they manage their resources.

The Consortium members were also very impressed with the dedication shown by the sustainability coordinator, Jason Horton who has enthused the whole school to adopt more sustainable practices, supported by the Principal and staff to work together to make Poowong Consolidated school an example to other schools about what can be achieved through leadership,commitment and a whole of school approach. Well done and congratulations on your wonderful achievements.


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