Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Enviroweek Challenge

This year our school has singed up to the Cool Australia Enviroweek challenges. The Green Team have chosen to become Tree Huggers. Well of course when you come to our school you won't see the trunks of all our trees covered in students (although I know how much they do love playing down in our forest), what you will see are grades trying to reduce the amount of paper they use in the classroom.

Cool Australia have created a fact sheet on the challenge. You can find it here.

 We are currently using more than 2.5 reams of paper per student per year (including art stock). We hope to reduce this even further. Our challenge is to improve on Cool Australia's challenge of saving 2 reams of paper per year. I know we can smash that.

1 comment:

  1. I am really excited about this challenge. If we really think before we print, I'm sure that we can reduce our use of paper.
