Sunday 4 August 2013

National Tree Day

At the beginning of 2012 our school undertook some renovations to the north side of the main building.  After the completion of the renovations we were lucky to have four larger classrooms that were not only a great learning space they were also better designed with the addition of the eves and smaller windows. This made for much better climate control during summer. Unfortunately these renovations meant that the established gardens that were there had to be removed to allow for the expansion of the four classrooms. This year as part of National Tree Planting Day 4 new Crepe Myrtles were donated to the school to replace those that were removed. Although these trees are not natives to Australia they are an ideal choice as they are deciduous which is good for the winter months and also provide some shade during summer.

These trees were presented to the school during Assembly and then were planted by the Green Team. Several people have commented about how much they like the trees.

1 comment:

  1. It was wonderful to see these trees lovingly planted in our gardens. I'm really looking to seeing them bloom in Spring! Well done Green Team!
